#52 - March 2010

This issue follows a previous special issue on “Cuba in the 1990s: Economy, Politics, and Society” (S&D no. 29, 2001), which featured mainly Cuban authors discussing the situation on the island during the economic...
For Cuba the 1990s meant a series of changes that, while challenging the historical logic of the revolution, were necessary to adjust to a post-Soviet world. After undergoing the difficult process of...
In Latin America and Cuba during the 1960s, the debate over reform and revolution was conducted as though the two were mutually exclusive (Petras 1966; Jaguaribe 1972; Varios 1973). This polarization is...
When approaching this topic, it is important to point out what is distinctive about the Cuban case: a triumphant political revolution that remains in power today, that has unleashed a socialist-oriented social revolution, and that has...
A Necessary Introduction Socialism in Cuba is in a transitional stage. It is obvious that the country has not yet reached a state of pure, mature, and complete socialism, and the Cuban political system and its...
In academic forums and in various publications, politicians, social scientists and readers in general, both in and out of Cuba, have noted that the economic well-being enjoyed by the Cuban people in...
Introduction: Assumptions to be considered
The changing Latin American scenario, now colored by the international economic crisis, has raised once again the question of possible future trends and the question of...
This paper analyzes poverty and vulnerability in today's Cuba. Poverty and vulnerability are important human issues in any context, but even more so in a society that, exactly 50 years ago, embarked on an alternative path of development...
Over the past fifty years Cuban society has radically transformed its institutions and openly encouraged women to become independent, educated, and empowered. As a result, Cuban women revolutionized gender relations and made much more...
El presente artículo intenta un ejercicio de síntesis, realizado a partir de resultados de trabajos precedentes más o menos extensos, y de una serie de valoraciones que aguardan aún, en forma de notas, por una elaboración más minuciosa...
From the beginning of Cuban history, among the social themes that have occupied Cubans, the topic of race, with its many aspects, has probably drawn the most attention of scholars, researchers, journalists, writers, and social actors,...
Aurelio Alonso is associate director of the journal Casa de las Américas and an adjunct professor of Sociology at the University of Havana. He is the author of Iglesia y Política en Cuba (2000), El laberinto tras la...