#71 - July 2016

This year, New Scientist reports, will emulate the last (2015) by becoming the warmest yet recorded.1 This fact represents another addition to an increasingly familiar list of dangerous thresholds that we are burning...
What do we talk about when we talk about energy? As central to our existence as energy has always been, it remains not only elusive but, for many, taken for granted as well. Engaging this line of...
A central debate in the contemporary Left concerns the extent to which technology can be used proactively, within the confines of the existing system, to promote a sustainable ecosystem. One view is...
But as Brecht explained in his ‘Buddha’s Parable of the Burning House,’ it is irrational to cling hopelessly to a burning house, as the flames lick its walls and singe our brows, in sheer terror of stepping into the world beyond....
“Communism and Science Inseparable!” -- 1962 Soviet postcard, commemorating the Sputnik 1 launch of 1957
Having any remaining chance to keep warming below 2°C, better 1.5°, by 2100 will require rapid and radical cuts in global...
Germany’s so-called Energiewende (energy transition) is a broadly discussed issue. This article surveys its current state and identifies several major shortcomings. First, the "Energiewende" is so far little more than...
This brief survey describes the dramatic expansion in the development and deployment of solar photovoltaic technology, as well as underlying factors including cost dynamics and policy supports. A further...
Thank you to the Center for Global Justice for hosting us.2 I've been in San Miguel for a little over three years, and my passion and life's work is regenerative agriculture. I've been involved in a continual learning...
Editor: Can you provide us with some background on the Global Labor University and its place within the labor movement?
Devan Pillay: The Global Labor University was initiated...
Editor: In 2015, Alberta’s New Democratic Party was swept into office with a landslide victory.2 Its platform speaks to many issues including...
How did you first come to act on ecological issues?
I always had that respect and sense of connection with our surroundings. It probably came from growing up in North Dakota in a rural area. I lived with my grandparents...
FlyingLess: In a piece that you wrote and that was published in Nature, you assert that the Paris climate agreement constitutes “a genuine triumph of international diplomacy,” while at the same time arguing...
Editor: You have spoken about the ethics and values of cooperatives, but your perspective goes well beyond the notion of individual cooperatives. Can you tell me a little bit about the cooperative context? How has Cooperation...
350.org www.350.org; team@350.org Brooklyn, New York International campaign to build a movement around solutions...
Kevin Anderson is Professor of Energy and Climate Change in the School of Mechanical, Aerospace, and Civil Engineering at the University of Manchester (UK). He is also Deputy Director of the Tyndall Centre for Climate...